
Karen Frizell


620-259-8811 |Based in Hutchinson

Started at Fee in 2005

Property & Casualty Insurance Licensed

How do you help people understand the impact of their risk?
When I first started with Fee, insurance was difficult to understand because it's not black & white - coverage is the interpretation of a contract. While it's impossible to predict every claim scenario, I try to give examples based on criteria that has meaning to their business. For example a product risk for a manufacturer, a completed operations risk for a contractor, or a potential medical incident for a health care provider.

How do you spend your time when you’re not at work?
I love visiting Kansas City and Colorado to visit our grown children and step granddaughters, but also enjoy just being at home doing home improvement projects and hanging out with our 2 dogs.

How are you involved in the community?
I am proud of our office commitment to the Make-a-Wish Kansas organization and help where I can. I am a supporter of our local businesses, because Fee is a local business too!